Now, let's get back to the traditions that once made this blog the amazing literary work that it is:
****POSTY POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been so long, it's like I've seen so many things that I want to share with my fourteen followers. So just for you, I think I'm going to do a....DOUBLE POSTY POST!!!!!!!! What what!
I've always been obsessed with Adele, but am newly obsessed with this song. Love it, belt it, share it.
And the double shot for you today is this: So you know those "shit (blank) say" videos? Well this is my favorite. Pretty accurate.
****One of my favorite traditions is back and better than ever-FRIDAY NIGHT HAIKUS. I know you missed them. So just for you, ah follower, I'm going to give you a few from the past year (slash week because I have a bad memory)
Living with Tbone
Going to knit a red scarf
Out til 7 AM
I'm that girl at bros
Best new years resolution
Did not pee my pants
Crazies at cornell
Vortex red wine and Hawkeye
My lips are black, why?
-And a new tradition, which isn't really a thing because if it's a tradition then it's not new...meh. I will post a picture of something that I would buy if I wasn't a poor person. Today's "Buy (if I'd Try)":

Thank you Burberry for making beautiful products. But no thank you for making them more expensive than my future salary will be.
So, hopefully I got your hopes up that I will continue posting...but we all know how reliable a theory that is. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow? Or maybe not...I'm mysterious.
Still can't belt the A flat,
loved this! So glad you're back. I've missed Posty-Posts!