So I know that people either love Valentines Day (mainly people in relationships) or hate Valentines Day (mainly people not in relationships), but I am one of the rare few that is NOT in a relationship, yet still loves Valentines Day. I feel like Valentines Day isn't about being in relationship or being in love, it's just about Love in general. Everyone needs to remember that they are loved, if it's by a million people or one person, you are loved. And as well as being loved, you have to share love! Tell everyone today--friends, family, strangers, that you love them! This is meant to be a day of happiness....and the candy is an okay part of it too.
Speaking of the Valentines Day candy...
Today I was eating Conversation hearts and one of them said "You Nerd"...really? Since when do they put insults on conversation hearts? haha Probably when they started putting "E-mail me". Pretty soon they'll be putting like..."Sext me" or something hahaha Oh my.
Just wanted to remind all of my friends that I love you and appreciate you all so much! You are great people and you make my life complete! :) Happy Valentines Day!
Posty-post for today are two Valentines Day-Themed Postsecrets:

Spread Love,
"Sext me" hahaha. I love that more than life itself!