So, that's currently one of my favorite quotes. It's hard when something goes wrong to think about moving past it and becoming a better person, but that is definitely what you need to do to handle it. Not everything always goes right, but you can just keep trying for what you want and you never know the great things that could happen.
Okay so, sorry about the deepness-let's get back to the usual dry, funny, Trash TV blog you know and love. Tonight on the Trashy TV line-up: Frank the Entertainer-A Basement Affair, Tool Academy, and Keeping Up with the Kardashians. It seemed like the theme of the night was singing to prove your love, because they were singing in the basement, and also participated in "tool-e-oke" at the academy. No singing so far on the Kardashians, but who knows with those crazy broads.
So, one of my blog's BIGGEST fans (haha Lindsey) suggested to me that I should do some critiques of Celebrity fashion. So, to keep my viewers happy, I will comply with this request. I'm going to go ahead and Google a celebrity, and the first picture of them that pops up, I will judge (harshly) what they're wearing.
1. Of course, we start it all off with the one and only Zac Efron (actor):

Okay, so I'm enjoying the white shirt (I can't decide if I enjoy it because of the "simple" look or because it's half off), but I think his pants could be a little tighter, they seem to be falling down. Also, I'm not a fan of boxers, which he appears to be wearing. Come on Zac, boxer briefs are where it's at!!!
2. Next, we have fashionista/crazy-ista Lady Gaga (singer):

Amy Winehouse? Gagz, for real-put some pants on. I know that you are just trying to show your kooky attitude, but no pants? You're on the fence of kooky vs. crazy. But I do like the dark hair.
3. Taylor Swift (singer):

I think that she's been the best dressed on this list thus far. But I am getting a little bored with the "goody two shoes" look. I think that T-swizzle needs to add some edge, maybe kick the cowboy boots and add some sassy, platform heels. Keep that in mind Tay (since you are clearly reading this).
4. Fashion "icon", aka Posh Spice, Victoria Beckham (What even is her career anymore?):

Okay Posh, we know you're skinny. Could you please stop shoving it in all of our faces? Thanks. But seriously, she looks like she could blow away. Okay, so the pants fit her scrawny legs well, but the shirt is a little off. The shirt has a weird neckline and makes her shoulders look broad. And she's lookin' a little matchy-matchy with all the beige. I'm not really diggin' it.
5. Last, but definitely not least, Marc Jacobs (fashion designer):

How can you not love him? If I were a guy, I would dress exactly like him. Even though he's a fashion designer and makes really out-there clothes, he still dresses like a semi-normal person that has better than average fashion sense. I'm a huge fan of the big, clear glasses (I have a pair of my own) and paired with the vintage Mickey tee and airplane necklace, it shows his playful and creative side. Although, he does look a bit like he just rolled out of the bed, I would go shopping with him any day.
This is a No-Posty-Post Day (an NP^2, if you will) since there is already a lot posted. If you have any suggestions for another celebrity that you'd like me to critique, comment the crap outta this post, and your wish is my command.
Tough Love,