SNOW SUCKS. I'm sure that if you live anywhere where you have to deal with snow, you would have to agree with me. Like it's pretty and all, but mainly it's just a hassle. The bads outweigh the goods in my opinion. What do you think?
Secondly, it is my dear friend Kelly's 21st birthday today. How exciting is that? I'm so excited that I'm going to count down the days until my 21st birthday starting now. The count is: 196 days til my 21st. Wow, we're really getting close. NOT. Speaking of my birthday, my friends and I have decided that we are going to Vegas this summer to celebrate all of us being 21. How cliche are we? I don't even care.
So tonight, we were deep conv-ing and reminiscing on the year 2009. I don't know about you, but 2009 wasn't really the best year. I think it was okay, but it was just a mediocre year. I feel like 2010 is so even and stable, it's just going to be great. Just because of the numbers (2010). It cannot be bad, because it is 2010.
I'm getting excited for Christmas, yet still haven't purchased any of my Christmas gifts. I am a slacker this year, Santa will probably bring me lumps of coal. Now thinking back, I remember one year I got a rock wrapped in tin foil....not even a lousy lump of a coal. Actually, I think that might have been on Halloween...but it's still a bad gift at any holiday.
Today's Posty-Post: (a few hotties in my life)

Bradley Coophot

Justin Timberbabe

Crowd favorite...Zattractive Efron
Peace and Buhlessins',
bradley coophot... still laughing about that... don't know why its so funny