Today will be.... Thesaurus Tuesday! So, I'll pick a word and then suggest to you some other words (found in the Thesaurus) that will make you sound smarter and more eloquent. So the word of the day is... "AWESOME". So instead of sounding like a tweeny bopper, take some of these suggestions to describe your "awesome weekend" or your "awesome sandwich"....
astonishing, awe-inspiring,beautiful, breathtaking, grand, hairy*, magnificent, majestic, mind blowing, shocking, stunning, wondrous
*not really sure why "hairy" was found for a synonym of "awesome"...but that's pretty "hairy" if you ask me*
So enough of gaining vocabulary. Let's get back to the fun stuff. Oh wait...there is no fun stuff. What now? I've decided that every time I go out I want to tell a lie to someone I've just met haha. You may ask, "Why would you want to do that Emma?" Well children, it makes the night much more interesting. Faking a terrible British accent and lying about walking dogs at the Humane Society could make for a funny story the next day. Next time you go out, try it--it's more fun than you think!
NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW it's Posty-post time. Bowchicka wow wow! OWWWWW!
So, I did this new thing where I go to (which is an awesome site of millions of pictures BTW) and then I click on "The Last 7 days" but then it gives you an option to choose any month and then you can choose any day. I chose my birthday (July 5th, 2009) and it showed me a random amount of pictures that were submitted that day. I decided to collage them and posty-post them here for your viewing pleasure.

Check out Flickr, you can always find a picture that makes you happy :)
Weezy (Gangsta for Emma)